Including External Articles in Your Jekyll Post List

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This holiday weekend I implemented a feature I’ve wanted on this site for a while now: a “writing” page that includes articles I’ve written both on this blog, as well as other sites around the web.

Doing this on a Jekyll-built blog ended up being an interesting challenge, as Jekyll doesn’t have a built-in way of including articles from external publications. After some fooling around I came up with a solution that works reasonably well though, so I thought I’d share.

The solution

Most Jekyll blogs use a loop that looks a little something like this to create a list of all posts.

  {% for post in site.posts %}
      <a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
  {% endfor %}

This code finds all posts in your site’s _posts folder, and generates a link for each. So how do you get articles that don’t live in your _posts folder to show up in your loop? In my case, I ended up creating a file in _posts for each of my external articles, and made some small alternations to my looping logic.

For example, consider this article on contributing to open source projects I recently wrote for the Telerik Developer Network. To get this article to show up on my Writing page, I created a file named in my _posts folder with the following metadata.

layout: externalpost
title: How to Successfully Contribute to Large Open Source Projects

Note two things here: first how I’m giving this article a layout of externalpost, and second how I’m specifying a custom redirect_url property that points at the actual location of the article.

Creating a redirect layout

The layout property tells Jekyll which layout in the _layouts folder to render a post with. To make “externalpost” work, I created a new externalpost.html file in my _layouts folder with the following contents:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url={{ page.redirect_url }}">

This is necessary because Jekyll will generate a post on your blog for every file in _posts, even if that post actually lives elsewhere. The above code ensures that anyone navigating to the metadata-only post will be automatically redirected to actual location of the article. Specifically, in the case of my open source article, it means that redirects to

Alternating the posts loop logic

Next, I went back to my site’s loop logic and made a slight change to incorporate the new redirect_url metadata.

  {% for post in site.posts %}

    {% capture url_to_use %}{{ post.url" }}{% endcapture %}
    {% if post.redirect_url %}
      {% capture url_to_use %}{{ post.redirect_url" }}{% endcapture %}
    {% endif %}

      <a href="{{ url_to_use }}">
        {{ post.title }}
  {% endfor %}

This small change uses Jekyll’s {% capture %} syntax to create a url_to_use variable. If a post has a redirect_url metadata property the generated link will use it, else, the link will use the default Jekyll-generated URL.

And that’s it. This certainly isn’t the most elegant of solutions, as you have to manually create a file in _posts for every external article you want listed, but I find that it works pretty well for my purposes. If you’re curious, the full source code that builds this blog is available at Feel free to look through my complete implementation and apply it to your own sites.
